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Aquarius New Moon Circle tomorrow at 8pm EST on Zoom! ♒ Aquarius is all about awakening to a new higher frequency and new higher consciousness! From moment to moment everything is changing and when we stay centered in our heart and open to receive, there are endless possibilities and opportunities waiting for us. ✨Dive into the energies of the New Moon in Aquarius ✨Set intentions together ✨Tapping to move any stagnant energy in our bodies ✨Meditation to feel peaceful and centered ✨Aura and Energy Cleanse Ritual ✨Balance Chakras ✨Rest and Receive beautiful Reiki Energies ✨Self-Care and Self-Love ✨Full body alignment ✨Deep nourishment and soul healing Join us tomorrow at 8pm EST on Zoom! You can choose to have your video on or off. Feel free to create a sacred space for yourself - blanket, pillow, candles, crystals, dim the lights, hot herbal tea, or anything else that makes you feel super comfy! Tickets available on our website. ❤️✨ *If you can't afford it right now, come anyway, reach out to me and I'll send you the link. Sending lots of LOVE 💕 Melissa

  • Date:01-29-2025 08:00 PM
  • Location Online Event