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Reiki. Meditation. Self-Care. Need a peaceful & restful night of Self-Care? Join me for a Powerful Full Moon Circle. We're going to bring in a lot of grounding to anchor us into our hearts. All you need is somewhere you can get comfy! All you have to do is rest and receive! You can maybe have a pillow and a blanket, some candles, crystals, incense, essential oils, flowers, really anything that makes your soul happy! You can bring herbal tea with you too! We will go over how the energies of this Full Moon will connect with us. We will do a meditation, shamanic journey, and then you will receive beautiful channeled reiki energies to bring you back into balance and back home in your heart. I'll be pulling an Oracle Card for each of you too! I'm super excited to spend the Full Moon together!

  • Date:07-22-2024 08:00 PM
  • Location Online Event