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Let's Raise Our Vibration! We will be adding Shamanic Trance Dance to the Full Moon Circle this month again!!! It will be a soulful night filled with love, joy, happiness, and FLOW! If anyone has met my grandma, you know dancing is in our lineage 🤣 Growing up I was always in dance class and as I got older, somehow I let that part of me fade away. Looking back at it, it's probably because as we go through school growing up we start caring what others think, we start letting comparison and judgement into our mind. When we were little we would dance so freely, but then when we're older we think we are supposed to be structured and on beat and have the perfect dance moves. Learning about Shamanic Trance Dance during my journey opened me back up to that little girl who loved to dance freely. Shamanic Trance Dance is about freeing energy in our body, it's about flowing with our soul, and dancing with our little inner child within. Shamanic Trance Dance is an embodiment practice that lets you step into your true soul self. You feel so empowered and rejuvenated after! So for this Pisces Full Moon and probably every full moon for the Fall/Winter I want to bring this special practice in! This will be a judgement free zone. You can keep your camera on or off, totally up to you! 💖 -Shamanic Trance Dance -Reiki -Oracle Card Pull

  • Date:09-18-2024 08:00 PM
  • Location Online Event